Research Addendum: Bee Breath, Breath of Fire, & Serpents; a contribution

 The following is a submission of research made by a sister who wishes to remain anonymous. 

Serpents everywhere - On Inner Alchemy and Raising the Inner Fire 

Preamble: Thanks to my Kundalini Yoga training I had already identified that numerous practices taught on the PoP were intent on raising the inner fire, which in turn raises one's sexual energy - and in women their magnetic energy. When the concept "impersonal use of sexual energy" was introduced, I felt concerned about the integrity of what was being proposed. I consulted with Spirit and received a strongly worded warning NEVER to apply this so-called “impersonal use of sexual energy”, never to direct it, never to use it for magical purposes. It would create severe karmic implications. To understand more I was guided to revisit my Kundalini Yoga material and to research Taoist Inner Alchemy (I’ve been a student of Taoism and I Ging since adolescence) and the initiation of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. 

I arrived at the understanding that much that was taught as “Path of Pollen practice” had been plucked from different ancient traditions, cut off from its context and dressed in a different language. The following summary feels relevant to share to restore the connection with the ancient lineages. I encourage the reader to follow the threads and explore more deeply for themselves.

At the base of the human spine resides raw creator energy - life force - in the shape of a sleeping serpent, coiled three and a half times. In Yogic traditions the serpent is known as the Kundalini, which translates from Sanskrit as “coiled energy”. If certain conditions are met, the Kundalini is awakened and rises through the 3 channels along the spinal cord and the body’s energy centres/ chakras to the crown of the head. As a result great transformation and expansion of consciousness can occur. 

Briefly on the inner channels and energy centres: 

In Sanskrit these 3 channels are called Ida, Pingala and Shushumna. Ida is attributed to the moon, the feminine, the left nostril and right brain half. Pingala is attributed to the sun, the masculine, the right nostril and left brian half. The central channel Shushumna is attributed to the void. Ida and Pingal have a serpentine path, crossing over in the energy centres. Shushuman is straight. The number of energy centres/ chakras differs, most traditions agree there are at least 3 - a lower one around the perineum/sexual organs, a middle one around the solar plexus/ heart and a top one in the head/crown. Here is a pretty good, understandable summary from the yogic tradition:

Eastern and Middle Eastern traditions know many practices to raise the inner fire, such as bodywork (yoga, dancing, sex), breathwork, meditation, fasting. One such practice is described below, see “Path of the 2 Serpents”. Another one taught in Kundalini Yoga is the “Breath of Fire” which interestingly is also taught in the Toltec tradition, see sector on breathing at the end.

Raising the inner fire should NEVER be forced. Undertaking such practices should only be done with due integrity, care and caution, respecting the sacredness, sovereignty and the pace of the individual human. Without the necessary integrity, care and caution, the practices can lead to dangerous mental, emotional and physical imbalances, even madness.

Egyptian and Eastern traditions also speak of 8 primordial/ original/ immortal cells located at the perineum. They are unique to each of us. According to Tom Kenyon, these immortal cells "comprise "subtle life-force energies and are held in your body’s etheric dimension—not the physical. They hold the subtle imprint or template of your divine self in embodied form." 


In my view many of the practices undertaken during the PoP training have the effect of stimulating the inner fire and the sexual energy and interacting with the 8 primordial cells - but it was being taught without the necessary care, caution and context.

Raising the inner fire in turn raises the sexual energy - and in women their magnetic energy. Sexual energy is deeply personal to the individual journey as human and soul, thus in danger of being misused by the ego. Many imbalances we witness in our world track back to the inappropriate use of sexual energy and especially the sexual energy of women.

There are only two uses of sexual energy that are in integrity:

  1. In a loving consensual union where spiritual and sexual essences merge into one and lift up both partners. Such a union holds great potential for transformation and wellbeing. On very specific occasions it is used for initiation. One such initiation is the union of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. Both were prepared and trained for many years in the Temple of Isis in Egypt before this initiation took place.

  2. For Self-healing and -refinement, as taught by Taoist and Yogic practices. 

On 1: The initiation of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua is told in "The Magdalen Manuscript - The Alchemies of Horus & The Sex Magic of Isis", by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion. It's complemented by a manual on the inner alchemy of the "The Path of the Two Serpents", including exercises to explore the path, either as single or in a relationship.

Tom is a highly respected sound shaman, musician, therapist and researcher with deep knowledge in Tibetan Buddhism, Egyptian and Taoist Alchemy. Judi is his writing partner and a teacher, journalist and photographer in her own right.

In brief: There are two pathways running along the spine, the djed, between the base of the spine and the crown of the head, crossing over in the chakras.

From page 84, also see illustration on page 86:

"The Black Serpent rises through the lunar pathway on the left side of the djed and is connected to the Void or the creatrix of all creation. The Gold Serpent rises through the solar pathway on the right side of the djed and is connected with light".

If the right conditions are met, the heat and light will rise through the Two Serpents to their meeting point - "the Chalice" - in the crown of the head near the pineal gland. Each will release a drop: The liquid from the left side of the crown is called "Red Serpentine Drop" and relates to the biological mother of the Initiate. From the right side of the crown, the "White Serpentine Drop" relating to the father, is released. Together they create a sweet tasting liquid, known by yogis as "Amrita" in Sanskrit, which translates as "divine nectar or "nectar of immortality". In the Temple of Isis it's referred to as "Spring Water". The ecstasy then needs to be circulated through the whole body. 

On 2: What is explained in the Magdalen Manuscript, was well known by practitioners of Eastern mysteries. Hence it's no mistake that the manual references Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism and Yoga.

In Taoism, creating an elixir within the body is called "Inner Alchemy" (Nei Dan or Nei Gong). Once created it can be stored within the body and drawn upon. When applied externally, it becomes ritual power (Lei Fa = “Thunder Rituals”).

"Immortal Sisters - Secret Teachings of Taoist Women" contains teachings from Sun Bu'er and other distinguished female Taoist adepts who lived between the 3rd and 12th century. They practised Inner Alchemy in order to transcend the mundane and refine the physical body.

Asian spiritual traditions also speak of the “8 Taoist Immortals” or “The Shining Ones”. The leading Taoist immortal is believed to be the Queen Mother of the West, the Great Shamanic Mother Goddess who resides in the Kunlun mountains, the abode of earthly immortals. This abode is often referenced with "jade pond". Max Dashu wrote this excellent piece about her:

The Immortal Sisters' practices involve intent, focus, breathing, circulating energies in the body in specific ways. Among others abstinence from cooked food is mentioned.

From Part One, "Sun Bu'er", page 19:

"Tie up the tiger and return to the true lair;

Bridle the dragon and gradually increase the elixir.

Nature should be as clear as water,

Mind should be as still as a mountain.

Tuning the breath, gather it into a golden crucible;

Stabilising the spirit, guard the jade pass.

If you can increase the grain of rice day by day,

You will be rejuvenated."

The commentary goes on to explain that the tiger is energy, while the dragon is spirit. The "true lair" is the general area between the breasts: 

"When women cultivate immortality, they must first accumulate energy between their breasts." 

This piece of wisdom struck a chord within me, because of the strong focus on the womb in the PoP's practice. This is harmful to women, according to the Immortal Sisters! Women should focus their attention on the sternum, while circulating energy through the body. It is the men who should focus on the abdomen.

From Part Three 3, "Spiritual Alchemy for Women", page 87:

" may happen that women feel there is energy in the opening between the breasts that thrusts out, divides and goes into the breasts, right through the nipples, which then erect. This is what alchemical classics call the living midnight when the medicine is produced."

Remember sitting in a row facing the wall? 

Remember Simon's retreat in a hexagonal basket?

On page 38 and 39 in the Sun Bu'er chapter, the practice of "Facing a Wall" is explained: To practise stillness one sits before a wall until the wall disappears. Ancient immortals practising refinement would choose a cave in the mountains. Later versions include sitting in a reed hut or niche. 

Taoism also highly values saliva as elixir of immortality for self-nourishing, see here:

Beyond the links above I recommend to read one of the best-known texts about Taoist Inner Alchemy, "The Secret of the Golden Flower" by Richard Wilhelm, with a foreword by CG Jung:

This is a condensed version with additional references:

On breathing and sound practices such as humming:

Breath- and soundwork are core to all ancient traditions mentioned above. Yogic traditions speak of “Pranayama” in Sanskrit: “Prana” means “life force", “yama” means “control” - so controlled or focussed breathing. 

There are many methods of controlled breathing, slow and fast, for different purposes. For most people simply breathing slowly in and out in a conscious way works is most effective.

To raise the inner fire, Kundalini Yoga teaches the “Breath of Fire” which includes vigorous pumping of the naval and sharp inhaling through the nose. The energy gathered is held around the navel and eventually energy circulated through the body along the energy channels described at the top.

Interestingly, the fire breathing practice is also taught by Merilyn Tunneschende, a Toltec practitioner who used to be represented by the Sacred Trust and taught workshops in the UK. Her version of Fire Breathing is explained in her book “Rainbow Serpent: The Magical Art of Sexual Energy” and in these notes about one of her workshops. PoP students will also recognise the Fire Sipping practice:

Bhramari Pranayama or “Bee Breath” is a humming breath practice. Bhramara means “big black bee”, so it’s named after the black bumble bee in India.

Depending on the focus, it can be practised in 5 different ways, with a different pitch, rhythm and hand postures (mudra). 

More here:

According to the Hathaway Pradipika there are eight Pranayamas: Surya Bhedana, Ujjayi, Sitkari, Sitali, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Murch'cha and Plavini.

In Tibetan Buddhism “hum” is one of the sacred syllables. The others are “bhyo”, “om”, “hsi” and “kye”.

For further reading I recommend this study, it digs deep into the tradition of the Tibetan chant, its lineages and practice.

On hand gestures/ mudras:

During PoP breathing and sound practice I always felt myself become antsy and too fiery - until I allowed my hands to respond freely. Even just placing my hands on my heart would be enough to feel more settled and anchored. 

Buddhist and Taoist Iconographic paintings and sculptures always show specific hand gestures, called “mudras” in Sanskrit which means “seal” or “lock”. It explains why during breathing, sound and meditation practices, the hands are placed/ moved in a certain way - it closes the energy circuit and directs the flow of the energies raised. 

***Last update as of 3feb24***


  1. What Simon did was terrible, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t truth to some of the teachings especially with the bees. There are ancient European lineages (such as Greek) that had bee priestesses, not to mention ancient Sumerian goddesses depicted as bees. How he presented the information (as the Path of Pollen) and claimed it as his own- I agree were wrong and disheartening. However, I want to point out that every ancient culture perceived the world differently yet there are common threads among them all. If you really research the origins around each of these belief systems/religions most of them were built off of each other or plagiarized based off the current political landscape of the time. This has been happening in history for a long time- this isn’t new. As humans, we have this inner entitlement where we like to believe we know everything. Also, there is nothing wrong with womb centric practices or breathing from the womb space in general (if you had a negative experience with that then it’s just that—YOUR experience). Our society has for thousands of years tried to erase a woman’s power and by writing that, you are contributing. Additionally, using certain pieces of information to prove your point that are based on someone’s channeling, such as “The Magdalen Manuscript” also deserves a high level of discernment because people who channel also carry their own human bias no matter how “ascended” or “spiritual” they are. You can’t use that as factual evidence towards your argument just because you feel it’s “true” for you. That would be hypocritical given that Simon claims to have received some of his information (the non plagiarized parts) during a type of channeling (meditative trance) experience.
    I honour your perceptions of the situation regarding The Sacred Trust, but I also wonder if you would be going at this with the same aggressive force if the trust itself wasn’t led by a Caucasian male but instead a person of colour.

  2. There isn’t enough space to break down all of the absurd fallacies and ridiculous and hypocritical condescension in this exhausting comment (I tried), so I just have to say: lol, what simon did is not even remotely the same thing as cultures and religions melding together over a millennia so “everyone does it” is the laziest thing anyone could say about it also while being untrue. Also, doing research about what people spend thousands of dollars and years of their lives “learning” is not “aggressive force”. Additionally, yes, of course there is truth to these teachings, that is the entire point of the research. We do not need an “argument” as we have already “proven” what we needed to prove. And, no, it doesn’t matter your race or gender, lying and plagiarism is wrong, just ask Harvard’s former president. Hope that helps (🙄)


  3. This isn't only about what probably amounts to at least 75% of Simon Buxton's book "The Shamanic Way of the Bee" being plagiarised, or lifted (word for word in places), from many other authors, with no credits given, but about the fact that courses and "workshops" were run based on this so-called "Unbroken lineage" of a secret tradition of bee shamanism.
    Those courses ran for many years -about twenty years I believe, and were, I hear, very expensive. All-told, Mr Buxton must have taken hundreds of thousands of pounds from spiritual seekers, for teachings that were not based on an unbroken ancient lineage at all, but on a mish-mash of copy-pasting from other authors, his own fantasy, lies, deceit, fraud, arrogance, ducking and weaving on his part, and worst of all, dishonesty with his colleagues, and loved ones.
    To say nothing of his publishers who must be quite pee'd off.

    My question is -why would a person, who purports to be of a high spiritual integrity do that?? It's quite shocking.

    In my own view, that is not an honourable way to handle a "Sacred Trust".

    Towers are destined to fall if they are not built on a strong true foundation, and instead, built on lies and deceit. The stunning thing is...that he didn't appear to know that?? Is that the natural consciousness of a Teacher, or mentor? I think not. I hope that Simon will find a new way which is closer to Soul and Spirit.

  4. I am shocked to the core at the extent of the deception involved in this sorry tale. Today I sat for 1.5 hours and watched an interview of Buxton spewing lie after lie as he attempted to continue to deceive and negate accountability for the harm caused. I can only speak for myself, but - harm he has caused; intentionally and progressively, spanning decades of time. I entered into a sacred trust of giving myself wholeheartedly to a body of work, a sacred training that I held with the utmost respect and reverence, I committed fully to the practises, and now I discover that the foundation is based on a pack of lies; the fantasies of a very unbalanced compulsive liar. Yes the practises work - yes the hive /temple space was held impeccably, but for me, that is not the point. The point for me is that I, along with so many many others have been violated with bullshit, lies, distortions, fakery and downright abject fuckery. I believed Buxtons story in the book to be true. I believed Naomi and Kate were the real deal, worthy of being mentors, women who had accessed a tradition of knowledge not ordinarily accessible in the 'new age' of spirituality. I believed and trusted; in good faith I spent a lot money. Only to be betrayed, hoodwinked and led a merry dance to the tune of Buxtons deception. What is done is done. At least now, we know. There are those that will align with and defend them - that is your will and so mote it be. But for those of us who were unwittingly harvested, whose consciousness was sucked in by untruths and trickery, may you reclaim what was stolen, undertake the work to rebalance in grace, and move forward with the vow to ourselves 'Never Again'.

  5. Also, I am truly grateful to all who have invested their effort, time and energy into revealing the depth of the deception. Thank you for your determination and commitment to truth xxx


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