Much More Plagiarism and Revealed Influences

Click Below 60+ New Instances of Plagiarism PLEASE NOTE: as of May, 2024 several new instances of plagiarism have been discovered, primarily from Dion fortune, including 2 of the core concepts of Simon's "teaching"(female types and the 3 sisterhoods). The document above has not yet been undated to include all of it, though you can find some in the origins doc research under the aforementioned core concepts. We will update soon and mention it here. This link opens a new window for a downloadable PDF of the 60 plus instances of newly discovered plagiarism along with their sources, as well as the earlier found plagiarism (at the bottom). The first page is blank, so please scroll down, and excuse some formatting issues we had. Paragraphs are meant to be aligned next to each other, but sometimes they are a little askew. The PDF is a table of the further, and more extensive plagiarism we have found in The Shamanic Way of the Bee. We were hoping to continue ou...